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Make change happen

O'Neil Cinemas is happy to donate to local nonprofit organizations to help with fundraising.

Some example organizations include:

  • K-12 schools raising funds for events/activities from which the student body can benefit
  • Youth sports raising money to defray participation costs and other necessities in order for kids to be able to play
  • Church and youth groups
  • Scholarship programs
  • Charities/fundraising events to benefit groups or individuals in need

Request a Donation Form

To request a donation form, fill out this contact form below.

Note: Donations must be received at least 45 days in advance in order to be considered. Donations are limited. We apologize we are not able to grant all requests.


$1 off all show times

Age 12 - University

Upcharges for 3D and DLX will apply.
Program subject to change.
ID is required to receive the discount.

Super Bargain

All Day $7 Movie Tickets
Upcharges for 3D and DLX will apply.
Program subject to change.


$7 Movie Tickets

Ages 62 and up

All day long

Upcharges for 3D and DLX will apply.
Program subject to change.

Police, Fire & Military

$10 movie tickets

For police, fire, and U.S. military members

Includes immediate family

Upcharges for 3D and DLX will apply.
Program subject to change.
ID is required to receive the discount.
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